Thursday, June 18, 2015

Guide on EPS 4 Major Insurances ( source:

Application and claim procedure for four major insurances under EPS

  • What is the 4 major insurances of the Employment Permit System? the four insurance policies (Departure Guarantee Insurance, Guarantee Insurance, Return Cost Insurance, and Casualty Insurance) that foreign workers and their employers must subscribed based on "The Act on the Employment of Foreign Workers, etc."

Type and content of EPS 4 major insurance

  • Purchased by employer
    CategoryDeparture Guarantee InsuranceGuarantee Insurance
    IntroductionAs a relief burden on responsibility for retirement payment of small and minor enterprises businessGuarantee for unpaid salary
    Person who subscribe to InsuranceEmployer
    (Employers hiring less than 4 regular employees including new and transferred ones with a labor contract that takes effect after the 1st of August 2011,are required to subscribe to the insurance.)
    Person insuredEmployee (employers will get the benefit if the employee has not reached a minimum of 1 year service or if he has abandoned his work)Employee
    Insurance feeAccording to EPS 8.3% of employee’s salary per monthPer employee 16,000won per year
    Application periodEffectively start after 15 days from the conclusion of the contractEffectively start after 15 days from the conclusion of the contract
    Case of insurance claimSaving as a retirement pay(when employee departure or change of working place without desertion workedTotal unpaid salary
    - maximum of 2M won
    Claim procedures
    1) foreign workers who has worked for more
       than one year without desertion or work
       abandonment (change of working place or
       - claim application
       - copy of bank pass book(must reflect the 
         employees' name)
       - copy of passport or foreigners registration
    2) employers will get the benefit if the employee
       has not reached a minimum of 1 year service 
       or if he has abandoned his work
    After verification from the department of labor inspector
    - application for insurance payment
    - confirmation of unpaid claims and other
      monetary claims
    - detail of unpaid itemized statement
    - copy of bank passbook
    Penalties of non admission or non registrationPursuant to Act on the Foreign Worker’s Employment Article 13 and enforcement ordinance article 21, impose a penalty less than 5M wonPursuant to Act on the Foreign Worker’s Employment Article 23 and Enforcement Ordinance Article 27, impose a penalty less than 5M won
  • Purchased by foreign worker
    CategoryReturn Cost InsuranceCasualty Insurance
    IntroductionSavings or insurance to cover going-home expenses such as air fare of foreign workersAgainst death or disability of a foreign worker aside from occupational accidents
    Person who subscribe on the InsuranceEmployeeEmployee
    Person insuredEmployeeEmployee
    Insurance fee4000,000~600,000won lump sum paymentLump sum payment(amount depends on gender, age and period of stay)
    Application periodEffectively start after 80 days from the conclusion of the contractEffectively start after 15 days from the conclusion of the contract (* verify if its 15 days or 80 days)
    Case of Insurance claimTotal amount will be paid upon departure of foreign workers for home country(except temporary return)Death or disability are not grounds for occupational case
    - injury : max 30M won
    - sickness : max 15M won
    Claim proceduresAfter issuing the confirmation departure schedule from Job Center
    - claim application
    - copy of bank passbook
    - copy of passport or foreigners registration card
    - application for collection insurance
    - accident case:medical disorder certificate
    - death case:medical death certificate
    - family verification(death case)
    - proof of family certification(notarize by embassy )
    - letter of attorney(death case)
    - copy of passport or foreigners registration card
    - copy of bank passbook
    Sanction of non admissionPursuant to Act on the foreign worker's employment article 15 and enforcement ordinance article 22, impose a fine for default less than 1M wonPursuant to Act on the foreign worker's employment article 23 and enforcement ordinance article 28, impose a penalty less t

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Gennie Kim