Sunday, February 19, 2017

How to respond to domestic violence (Check selected organizations phone number) Things you must know in South Korea#다문화음악방송

How to respond to domestic violence (Check selected organizations phone number)
1. when you call 112 to report domestic violence, police officers will tush to the scene, If you need translation assistance, call 1577-1366 and receive help.
2. Police officer can take temporary emergency measure which includes issuing a restraining order.
3. If you wish to punish the offender , report the crime and the case will be processed as a criminal and family protection case.
4. If the case has been processed as a family protection case, the offender report the crime may receive punishment such as fine or mandatory counseling.
5.Victim can request she be moved to a protection facility (shelter)
6. Accompanied child(dren) can move their nurseries, schools , etc in secrecy.

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Gennie Kim